Hip pain can affect many people whether they are desk workers, triathletes, or anywhere in between. Hip pain can prevent you from moving and doing the activities that you enjoy. Luckily, The Hart Wellness Center often utilizes the McKenzie Method of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT) which is proven method used to treat musculoskeletal conditions (including hip pain).
What Is The Mckenzie Method?

The McKenzie Method is a biopsychosocial system of musculoskeletal care emphasizing patient empowerment and self-treatment. Most pain is "mechanical" in nature, meaning that it was caused by a force applied to the system. The theory is that mechanical pain is decreased or abolished by using the reversal of forces.This system of diagnosis and patient management applies to acute, subacute and chronic conditions of the spine and extremities. It offers a reliable and practical approach that focuses on "what patients need" and not on "what therapists want to do".
The goal of MDT is to have patients identify a specific movement direction that decreases their pain. When this direction is found, the patient will continuously load their body in that direction as far as the joint allows repetitively. This end-range loading strategy counteracts the forces put on that joint by moving the body in the exact opposite direction. The best part of MDT is that it can be utilized as an at home self treatment strategy so that there is a simple exercise that can be continuously done to reduce a patients symptoms from the comfort of their own home.
Hip Joint Function

How Can MDT Help With Hip Pain?

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